Sunday, November 11, 2007

Two for the price of one - or, One at the cost of three.

Meet Samil, pronounced som-eel, which he will never forget because it is tattooed on the back of his right hand.

It has been twenty-six years since his birth in which time he has been married and produced a child, a daughter, now three years from her birth. He currently resides in Agra with his wife and offspring while working as a bicycle rickshaw driver – or, as he prefers, helicopter pilot.

Samil once owned two of his own rickshaws – or, as he prefers, helicopters – but when his wife became ill while bearing his child he had to sell them, along with their house, to pay the medical bills.

Samil has taught him self english even though he has never been to school. He also knows Agra like the S – A – M – I – L on the back of right hand and is not afraid to take you up and down all the micro-mountains of Agra to show it to you, for a small fee of course.

Here are some photos I took of him.

And one he wanted me to take of him.
When I first sat down here this was suppoesed to be a post with more photos of Agra and Delhi, however, given the pace of this internet connection - that of a tortoise - and my attention span this time of evening - that of a goldfish - what you see is all time permits.
So, without saying what goes without say but really still saying it: more coming soon.

Please don't loose faith. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the posting, Christian. You're a very funny guy. We'll be stanidng by for more episodes. Dad

Unknown said...

Haha I just had this dream that I saw you and I asked if you were back from India and you said yeah, Samil was too crazy.